Tour details

Location: Northwest from Te Aro park almost to Wakefield Street, (the old shoreline), and east to just beyond Taranaki Street. And north across the harbour to Matiu/Somes Island, then Petone, Avalon and Stokes Valley. Heading over the Haywards to Parihaka and other parts of Taranaki. And south. Really really south. To the island of Ripapa. BYO steamship and shackles.

 Known Taranaki Iwi/Hapū Connections: Ngāti Mutunga, Taranaki, Ngāti Ruanui, Te Ātiawa and Ngāti Tama

Type of site: Pā, pah and kāinga. Some rentals, some owner occupied houses. Occasional street scenes (mostly streets you can’t afford to live on). Buildings. Schools. The harbour. And others.

Condition: Built over. As in built over the harbour.